Geographical position and actual weather forecast of Baboutcheu-Ngaleu
Latitude North: 5°05 to 5°08.
Longitude East: 10°09 to 10°12.
Less dissected plateau with hills, average altitude 1350m.
Higher point: Mount LAHKE; 1522m other summits: Mt Ndeuppà, Mven hillock.
typical Cameroonian of altitude, close to wet tropical with 2 unequal seasons.
Rainy season: mid-Marchtomid-November = 4monthsandahalf
Dry season: mid-November - mid-March = 4 months ½. Heavy rains: 1800 to 2000
mm, all within 200 to 217 days a year. Average temperature: 20 to 22°C. Average of
maxima: 28° C. Average of minima: 15 to 16°C (weak Winds, and in the valley,
permanent fog not very sunny (can do harm to agriculture).
1800 to 2000 mm, all within 200 to 217 days a year.
Average temperature: 20 to 22°C. Average of maxima: 28° C. Average of minima: 15 to 16°C
(weak Winds, and in the valley, permanent fog not very sunny (can do harm to agriculture).
Soils: ferralitic soils, red old.
Grassy or deteriorated herbaceous with hyparrenia and imperata and product of
residual forest (sacred wood) or highland, disappearing raffia of valley, high ferns of
the Mount Lahké.
Possibility of fines and quarry (Ndaklouk) or of latente.
Colourful landscape, grassy hüls, Mt Lahké, modest arts and crafts with rattan cane.
It is here that many rivers with a variety of trees on their banks start: Tchamega at
Bankoh: Ntchô at Tchalàk; Ndemtam at Balou, Kueko of Banko at Ndalàk through Kochuinko, Lieussieu
through Toulà. But these rivers are dangerously threatened by deforestation which dries up many
Fauna: poor relatively : monkeys, rodents, partridges.
5887 inhabs = 2518M + 3369W in 1976
6730 inhabs in 1987
7000 inhabs in 1996.
State 1987:
Less than 15 years: 46,2%
15 to 64 years: 39%
Over de 64 years: 14,7%
Male pop.: 37,7%
Female pop.: 62,2%
Active pop. : 650
Source: B.C.R.
The home population is lower than that of those who live outside. This is due to the tendency of
leaving the village: more than to 2000 are in Douala; 1000 in Yaoundé; 500 in the Mungo division ;
and more than 1000 in other parts of Cameroon (Mifi, Mbam, North province).
But since 2 or 3 years, there has been a will of returning home with the problem of delinquency and
the unemployment of youth.
Multipolar: Mven, Keye, Ndalàk, Njinga, Nkoh, Balouk, Toulà.
It has been noted that the elite is struggling to build houses in different villages and quarters. |